Will You Be My Volunteer?

Valentine’s Day is much more than chocolate, flowers and giant, stuffed teddy bears. It’s a day where we can share our love with not only loved ones, but also with those in our community. If you’re looking to make your Valentine’s Day (or any day) extra special this year, here are four ways to spread the love:

  1. Spend time with loved ones: Instead of paying for an expensive meal, invite those who might not have a place to spend Valentine’s Day over for a home-cooked meal. Sharing your home with others is a special way to show love and kindness.
  2. Treat others: Do something that brings an extra-special feeling to someone’s day. Spend the evening delivering home cooked meals or desserts to those in need with a local food organization.
  3. Get crafty: Take time to create special homemade valentines for senior living centers or hospices around your home. Be sure to include the caregivers!
  4. Donate items (and your time): Spend time collecting items like food, clothes, and household goods to donate to shelters in need. Find local organizations who need volunteers all year or create a fundraiser for an organization you hold close to you heart.

Spreading love shouldn’t happen just one day out of the year. There are many programs and organizations across the country that could use your help in many ways every single day. Want to help or not sure where to start? A simple web search of volunteering in your area is a great way to find the right opportunity for you. All it takes is a little bit of time to truly spread the love!

Happy Valentine’s Day!